December 14

Week 6

This week I was going to try making the traditional tiramisu, but ended up not doing it because we could not find any lady fingers in time. I found a iramisu crepe recipe instead and made those. The crepe part was a coffee flavoured batter and then they were filled with wipping creme and mascarpone cheese. They tasted amazing, but if I make them again I need to add more flavouring in the actual batter. I also discovered that baking cocoa powder and dusting cocoa powder are very different. I used the baking cocoa powder for dusting and it was super dry and stuck to the roof of your mouth. I now know to use the other kind for sprinkling on top. Next week I will make more mascarpone cheese and make the traditional kind. Bye!

December 7

Week 5

This week I made mascarpone cheese. It is like an Italian cream cheese and is slightly less tangy. I was surprised to learn that you only needed two ingredients; heavy cream and lemon juice.

These were the few things I needed

The cheese had to be refrigerated for 24 hours before use. I found this quite perplexing as the main reason was because it needed to strain all the extra liquid off but that takes awhile. It turned out great and tastes really good. Anyways now I can actually make the tiramisu so that will be in my next post. Bye!