May 31

Week 10

This week I finished the small sword completely. I had the most trouble carving the handle and hilt because they were so small. I glued on some small gems that I found to make it a little more fun. It looks bigger in the picture but it is about 6 inches long. I also drew out how I wanted my next project to look for a reference to compare when I finish it.

May 31

Week 9

I reached out to a ouple more people this week. One person carved more simple kitchen things like dishes. Another person did more designs in their work and I thought he could help me handle some of the tools better. I glued the hilt and pieces of the small sword together and I just have to paint it now. I also started on the full sized sword and it is going pretty well.

May 17

Week 7 & 8

This week I reached out to an expert that might help me. I saw his profile on instagram and he makes all sorts of things like spoons and knife handles. I hope he can help me with curving dips and curves. I also reached out to another person that I saw artwork of his in a shop. He makes more intricate things but I hope he will still be able to help.

For progress in carving, I tried to start the full sword but the wood ended up snapping. I made a small bookmark sword and I just have to glue the hilt back together. The other thing I was working on has not been working great. The handle is very hard to carve because of how the blade is shaped. I found some new wood to work with for the big sword and will start on that very soon. I am hoping I won’t run out of time before the things are finished.